
John D. Grange 821976
Washington State Penitentiary
1313 N 13th Ave
Walla Walla, WA 99362

WSP photo

Mail- Mail policy guidelines for writing inmates are available at the Washington State Department Of Corrections website.

Email- John can also be contacted through— an email system for inmates. JPay is also where you can deposit funds into John’s personal account. Prison is extremely dull and boring, so please write to John directly because casual correspondence and companionship can really brighten up a day.

Legal Assistance Needed!  John is seeking legal assistance to begin the appeal process of his conviction.  Numerous facts exist that prove his innocence and court misconduct. Please contact the with ideas as we pursue justice for our friend.

Join the Free Chewey Project- In order for John to become a free spirit again he will need a team of true hearted people who are willing to participate. We are looking for strong, determined and skilled helpers with creative ideas to spread the word. Do you feel passionate in the face of injustice? Are you alarmed about the failures of “the war on drugs”? Are you looking for a place to plug in and make the world our better home? Do you know who Chewey is already and can lend a hand?

The is not associated or representative of any group, ideology or organization. We are wholly independent collective of concerned minds seeking a reexamination of John Grange’s murder conviction. Even though this case is 15 plus years, any new information that could be brought to John’s case is of the utmost importance. We are versed in many of the issues, inconsistencies and subtleties found within this case, which may or may not be conveyed on this website. We welcome contacts no matter your perspective on the events. We hope to allow for an environment where the truth brings healing to the heart and injustices which have permeated this case.

Contact Us- If you have ANY questions, comments, or tips for the or you want to become more involved

Write us here>>>

We want to start a conversation with you today. Your privacy is highly respected.